What Is a Submersible Pump?

If you have a sump pump in your basement, then you are probably familiar with submersible pumps. But that’s not the only application for submersible pumps. It’s important to note the difference between pump types and make the right decision on a water pump based on your specific needs. And when it comes time to install a new pump, you can trust Ackerson Pump Company to provide expert service with quality products and speedy installation.

How to Care for Your Water Pump

Your home’s plumbing depends on a working water pump. Therefore, you want to take good care of it so it can stay in good condition. The last thing you want is to go to the faucet or step in the shower only to discover you have no running wanter. To keep your water pump in good shape, consider these tips from our crew at Ackerson Pump Company.

What to Do in a Water Pump Emergency

You get up early to make sure you have everything done before you have to head out the door. The kids (or perhaps your cute and ever-faithful feline) are still snoozing, leaving you just enough time to get a quick shower before lunches have to be packed or that first email needs to be sent. You climb into the shower and turn the knob—nothing happens. You crank it up even more, but not more than a few drips come out. … Continued

Is It Time for Water Pump Replacement?

You’ve been delaying the inevitable for a while now, just hoping your water pump issues would go away on their own or that a simple repair job would keep it going. However, you think your water pump may finally be on its way out. Is it time for water pump replacement?

Why Choose a Submersible Pump?

Your water pump is on the fritz. However, one trip to the local home improvement store overwhelms you with the number of options available. A submersible pump catches your eye, but how do you know whether this pump is best? Don’t stress. Let’s discover what a submersible pump even is and why some homeowners choose this type of pump. A submersible water pump is a single-unit, self-contained well pump that installers place directly into the water well. You can find … Continued

3 Little-Known Water Pump Facts

Most Sussex County homeowners don’t give a second thought to their water pumps until something goes wrong and they call our team at Ackerson Pump Company. However, proper use and knowledge of a water pump can help you take care of it and extend its life. Consider these lesser-known water pump facts and how they might help you make the most of your home’s water pump system. 1. A water pump is not one-size-fits-all. Each home has its own unique … Continued

Signs It’s Time for Water Pump Replacement

If your home has a water pump, you have probably been leery of the day when water pump replacement would be in order. You may be wondering just how to know when it’s time. Well, don’t stress. We at Ackerson Pump Company want to pass along a few signs that you may need water pump replacement.

Choosing a Submersible Pump

Low water pressure—or losing water pressure completely—can be more than an inconvenience. From cooking and doing dishes to taking a shower, not having water disrupts your daily life! If your water issues stem from the lack of or a faulty submersible pump, you may be in need of a new one. When choosing a submersible pump, you want to make sure you’re choosing a quality product. Most people decide to install a submersible well pump because the well is very … Continued

Summer Residential Well Cleaning & Inspection

If your New Jersey home utilizes well water, the National Ground Water Association recommends that you get a periodic professional well inspection and cleaning. You want to make sure you are drinking clean water that doesn’t have a funny aftertaste, contain bacteria, or contain unwanted debris. Plus, a clean well operates more effectively and efficiently.

Installing Water Pumps in NJ since 1969

Ackerson Pump Company is a family-owned company that has been serving Sussex County NJ and the surrounding areas since 1969. Whether you need a new water well, water tank, well inspection, or a NJ water pump, our goal is to do whatever it takes to get the job done and to keep our customers happy.